

...and a bit about us

Enabling Opportunity

Anyone can have a holiday and something to look forward to
To enable anybody with a brain injury to embark on their adventures or opportunities to relax away from it all

Worry free travel

Anyone can enjoy a new adventure without the worry of having to organise the holiday
24/7 service whilst on holiday to alleviate any worries and anxiety about going on the trip

Memories for a lifetime

To give you memories that would not have been possible without our service
There will be the option of receiving a photographic memory diary recalling the essence of your holiday

How we


We work to a very simple process that ensures all your needs are met and the risk levels on your holiday are minimal. 

Free initial consultation

...to assess the scope and needs of your holiday to give you an idea of the possibilities.

Full assessment & proposal

...to outline exact costs and specifics around your holiday. This is for a fixed fee and is deducted from the price of your holiday should you book with us.

Book and confirm

...your holiday so you can start getting excited! We will keep in contact with you throughout the process

Jennie Clark

Jennie is highly experienced having worked for 16 years in neurological settings, focussing on acquired brain injury.  Her passion for improving the quality of life of those she works with led her to develop The Brain Injury Holiday Company.

Jennie is a registered Occupational Therapist and has facilitated holidays whilst working with people with a brain injury in the past. Seeing the joy this has generated has fired the desire to support others to benefit from a similar experience.

You can be sure that every element of your holiday is considered with Jennie’s specialist experience in acquired brain injury that is now being used to make your holiday seamless and worry free.

Jennie is supported by a highly experienced multi disciplinary team to ensure the complex needs of any individual can be met.